在 Hiii创意节的大师论坛讲述《插画师生存指南》并颁奖
Founder Cai Yidong Participates in the Hiii Creative Festival Master Forum as Speaker and Award Presenter

Hiii创意节是Hiii Brand举办的权威性演讲论坛,寻求不同领域的跨界设计大咖进行联动、演讲。包括美国、中国、日本、英国、法国、加拿大、阿根廷、韩国、港澳台地区等。 这次RIFLING被诚邀与日本著名艺术家 大石晓规 一同参与论坛演讲,并对Hiii Illustration的获奖者进行颁奖。
The Hiii Creative Festival, hosted by Hiii Brand, is a prestigious forum that brings together leading cross-disciplinary designers from various fields. Participants include creatives from the United States, China, Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Argentina, South Korea, and regions such as Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. This time, RIFLING was honored to be invited to participate in the forum alongside renowned Japanese artist Akira Oishi. Cai Yidong also presented awards to the winners of Hiii Illustration.
Delivered the Lecture Color Makes Sense at Hunan Normal University

Hunan Normal University is a Double First-Class and Project 211 key university in China. Each month, the School of Fine Arts invites outstanding designers from across the country to deliver lectures and forums. The company's founder, Cai Yidong, used color as the focal point of the lecture, sharing with the faculty and students the logic and importance of color application in commercial design.
《丽水南城幼儿园》VI设计 获得 2024 东京TDC
VI Design for Nancheng Lishui Kindergarten Wins the 2024 Tokyo TDC Award

东京字体指导俱乐部(Tokyo TDC)成立于1987年,设立东京TDC奖,致力于不断探索文字与语言的视觉表达可能性。是东亚及世界地区在实验设计与先锋设计领域最具权威性欲代表力的机构。
Established in 1987, the Tokyo Type Directors Club (Tokyo TDC) created the Tokyo TDC Award to explore the visual possibilities of text and language. It is one of the most authoritative and influential organizations in experimental and avant-garde design across East Asia and the world.
Selected for Two Entries in APD Asia-Pacific Design Annual

《APD亚太设计年鉴》由三度出版有限公司出版,是亚太地区权威专业设计年鉴,展示国际前沿设计潮流及经典设计个案,具有极高的参考价值。 其中作品《图说生僻字》、《城市造象》入选并刊登。
APD Asia-Pacific Design Annual, published by Sandu Publishing Co., Ltd., is an authoritative professional design yearbook in the Asia-Pacific region. It showcases cutting-edge international design trends and exemplary design cases, providing significant reference value. Among the selected works, Visual Stories of Rare Chinese Characters and Urban Imagery Creation were featured in the publication.
参与CCBF中国国际图书展 大师论坛及讲座
Participation in CCBF China Shanghai International Children's Book Fair: Master Forum and Workshop

中国上海国际童书展(CCBF)由中共上海市委宣传部(上海市新闻出版局)指导,上海新华发行集团有限公司、中国教育出版传媒集团有限公司、环球新闻出版发展有限公司共同主办,上海融博会展有限公司承办。自2013年创办以来,已成功举办九届。CCBF是亚太地区专注于0-16岁儿童图书出版及儿童内容的展览会。 我们与各国顶级出版社以及知名插画师一起共赴大师论坛,并在论坛中创始人蔡依东举办WORKSHOP,帮助来此的插画师进行辅导。
The China Shanghai International Children's Book Fair (CCBF) is guided by the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Publicity Department (Shanghai Press and Publication Bureau) and jointly organized by Shanghai Xinhua Distribution Group Co., Ltd., China Education Publishing & Media Group Ltd., and BolognaFiere S.p.A., with Shanghai Rongbo Exhibition Co., Ltd. as the event organizer. Since its inception in 2013, CCBF has successfully held nine editions.As the leading exhibition in the Asia-Pacific region dedicated to children's books and content for ages 0-16, CCBF brings together top publishers and renowned illustrators from around the world. At the Master Forum, we joined forces with international publishing giants and celebrated illustrators. Founder Cai Yidong conducted a workshop during the forum, mentoring illustrators and offering guidance to those in attendance.
Participation in the 2024 ADM Asia Design Management Forum with a Keynote Speech Titled “The Beauty of Branding”

亚洲设计管理论坛暨生活创新展(Asia Design Management Forum & Art Design Media Festival)简称ADM,创建于2013年,旨在以中国和亚洲创新资源为基础,整合全球创新资源,并服务中国整体的产业创新、城市创新和生活创新。涵盖论坛、展览、活动等板块,规模超过2万方,累计参展品牌数量超1500+家,省外及国际参展比例达53%,接待超过10万人次高精准现场观众,跨领域设计大师资源超600位,超500家主流媒体、新媒体报道,全网超1亿曝光量,已成为联动场景、产业、社群的综合社交平台。 在ADM讲坛中,我们带来了《品牌美》来表达我们对“Proposal”的独特理解。
The Asia Design Management Forum & Art Design Media Festival (ADM) was founded in 2013 with the goal of leveraging China and Asia's innovative resources while integrating global innovation. It serves the broader innovation ecosystem, spanning industrial, urban, and lifestyle innovation. ADM encompasses forums, exhibitions, and events, covering over 20,000 square meters of space. To date, it has hosted more than 1,500 brands, with 53% of exhibitors from outside the province or overseas. The event has attracted over 100,000 on-site visitors, featured more than 600 cross-disciplinary design masters, and been covered by over 500 mainstream and new media outlets, achieving over 100 million online impressions. ADM has become a comprehensive social platform connecting scenarios, industries, and communities. In the ADM forum, we presented The Beauty of Branding, showcasing our unique interpretation of the concept of “Proposal.”
《图说生僻字》获得卷宗Wallpaper 2024 年度最佳视觉语言奖
Get the Wallpaper* Design Awards 2024's Best Visual Language Award

《卷宗 Wallpaper》是全球知名的设计杂志,具有广泛的影响力和权威性。《卷宗 Wallpaper》在中国举办Wallpaper 设计大奖, 在国际版奖项设立的基础上,以全球设计行业为背景,着眼于中国设计领域,肩负着推进中国设计的使命。《图说生僻字》 在众多参赛作品中脱颖而出,获得最佳视觉语言奖。
"Wallpaper*" is a world - renowned design magazine with extensive influence and authority. "Wallpaper*" holds the Wallpaper Design Awards in China. Based on the establishment of international - version awards, against the background of the global design industry and focusing on the Chinese design field, it shoulders the mission of promoting Chinese design. "Diagram of Rare Words" stood out among numerous entries and won the Best Visual Language Award.
The "Diagram of Rare Words" series is exhibited at the "2024 Top 100 Chinese - language Poster Invitational Exhibition"

“2024 华语百佳海报邀请展” 是 2024 世界设计之都大会(wdcc2024)全城联动活动的一部分,由上海创新创 意设计研究院(diis)品牌创生实验室主理人、知名视觉设计师孙大旺等策展,通过向国内外定向邀请,展出 100 幅海报作品。
The "2024 Top 100 Chinese - language Poster Invitational Exhibition" is part of the city - wide joint activities of the 2024 World Design Capital Conference (wdcc2024). It is curated by Sun Dawang, the director of the Brand Creation Laboratory of the Shanghai Institute of Design and Innovation (diis) and a well - known visual designer. Through targeted invitations both at home and abroad, 100 poster works are exhibited.
参与《Vol.34 Tokyo TDC》中文版撰言
Contributing to the Chinese Edition of Vol.34 Tokyo TDC

东京字体指导俱乐部(Tokyo TDC)成立于1987年,设立东京TDC奖,致力于不断探索文字与语言的视觉表达可能性。是东亚及世界地区在实验设计与先锋设计领域最具权威性欲代表力的机构。
The Tokyo Type Directors Club (Tokyo TDC), established in 1987, is dedicated to exploring the visual possibilities of text and language through its annual Tokyo TDC Awards. As one of the most authoritative and representative organizations in experimental and avant-garde design in East Asia and the world, it continues to push the boundaries of typographic design.
Get The 2024 Communication Arts Award of the United States.

美国 CA 传播艺术大奖(Communication Arts Award)是设计和广告领域的一项重要奖项。Communication Arts是由 理查德·科恩和罗伯特·布兰查德于1959年创立,它在视觉传播领域占据着领军地位,被誉为全球颇具影响力的创意期刊之一。 CA传播艺术大奖是国际上视觉设计领域最具有影响力的大奖之一。
The CA Communication Arts Award in the United States is an important award in the fields of design and advertising. Communication Arts was founded by Richard Coyne and Robert Blanchard in 1959. It occupies a leading position in the field of visual communication and is reputed as one of the most influential creative periodicals in the world. The CA Communication Arts Award is one of the most influential awards in the international visual design field, and it is the place where many international top - notch advertising and design companies as well as heavyweight design masters compete.
访谈 《Brand》杂志第74期 平面设计营业手册
Interview: “Graphic Design Business Handbook” in Issue 74 of BranD Magazine

BranD杂志是一本关于品牌设计的Mook,创刊于2012年,作为较为出名的艺术&设计&生活领域杂志,出版物遍及艺术、设计、文化、生活、旅游、时尚、儿童等等,包括中文繁体版、英文版、日文版、法文版等多个语言版本,合作的出版社有德国TASCHEN和Gestalten、英国Phaidon和Thames & Hudson、美国Random House 和Rizzoli、日本PIE和Seigensha、台湾城邦和读书共和国和三联等出版社等。 Brand74期以《平面设计营业手册》作为此次刊物内容,共采访了11位各国知名的设计工作室,RILFING以初创公司的视角,说明了当下时代中设计公司经营的问题与前景。
BranD Magazine, a mook dedicated to brand design, was first published in 2012. As a well-known publication in the fields of art, design, and lifestyle, its scope spans various domains, including art, design, culture, lifestyle, travel, fashion, and children’s topics. The magazine is available in multiple languages, including Traditional Chinese, English, Japanese, and French. Its publishing partners include prominent names such as TASCHEN and Gestalten from Germany, Phaidon and Thames & Hudson from the UK, Random House and Rizzoli from the US, and PIE and Seigensha from Japan, as well as Taiwanese publishers such as Cite, Reader’s Republic, and Sanlian Publishing. The 74th issue of BranD is themed "Graphic Design Business Manual" and focuses on the operational aspects of design studios. This edition features interviews with 11 renowned design studios from around the world. Among them, RILFING offers insights from the perspective of a startup, shedding light on the challenges and prospects of running a design company in the contemporary era.
获得英国D&AD 优异奖
Get the D&AD merit award in the UK.

英国D&AD AWARDS(Design and Art Direction)创立于1963年,在设计和广告领域有着极高的声誉, 被业界称为最难拿的创意奖项,是全球创意与设计领域极具威望的奖项之一。D&AD AWARDS 代表了设计和广告领域的佼佼者, 赢得该奖项仍然是许多职业的巅峰之作。每年仅有不到5%左右的作品最终只获得提名。
The D&AD AWARDS (Design and Art Direction) in the UK was founded in 1963. It has an extremely high reputation in the fields of design and advertising. It is regarded by the industry as the most difficult creative award to obtain and is one of the most prestigious awards in the global creative and design fields. D&AD AWARDS represents the best in the design and advertising fields, and winning this award remains the pinnacle of many careers. Each year, only less than about 5% of the works are finally nominated.
Get The 70th New York Type Directors Club Awards.

纽约字体指导俱乐部(Type Directors Club)成立于1946年,是全世界第一个以字体设计为主的专业组织。 经过多年的发展,TDC 奖已成为设计界最具影响力的字体设计奖项之一,也是全世界最重要的平面设计竞赛之一。 作为纯插画海报作品《图说生僻字》一举拿下以排印、字体为主导的TDC大奖,算是国际设计行业对此的高度认可。
The Type Directors Club in New York was established in 1946 and is the world's first professional organization focusing on typeface design. After years of development, the TDC Award has become one of the most influential typeface design awards in the design field and one of the most important graphic design competitions in the world. As a pure illustration poster work, "Diagram of Rare Words" won the TDC award, which is dominated by typography and typeface, which can be regarded as high - level recognition from the international design industry.
获得第103届纽约艺术指导俱乐部 铜立方 2项
Get the Bronze Cube x2 of the 103rd Art Directors Club.

纽约 ADC 艺术指导俱乐部奖是全世界历史最悠久、最权威的创意设计及广告奖项之一,每年都会吸引全球数 万名优秀创意人及设计师参与。在来自 62 个国家和地区的 11,309 件参赛作品中,仅颁发出 184 个铜立方奖。
The ADC Annual Awards of the Art Directors Club in New York is one of the most time - honored, authoritative creative design and advertising awards in the world. Every year, it attracts tens of thousands of outstanding creative people and designers from around the globe to participate. Among 11,309 entries from 62 countries and regions, only 184 Cube Awards (Bronze) are presented.
At the architectural design summit “Design Cross View,” the talk was about “Visual Design Still Has Some Use.”

这次分享的主题是“视觉设计还是有点用”,通过实用价值与情绪价值两方面,以“陈一丹基金会CMYK教育语法”与“启源幼儿教育 集团”为例,阐述了视觉设计的实用价值与情绪价值。 其中“陈一丹基金会CMYK教育语法”通过对整套方法论进行设计之后,系统的将基金会中各个平台的内容: 学术与研究的平台、学员与家长的平台、专家论坛平台、员工应用平台等进行了有效的整合。从而体现了视觉设计的实用价值。 而“启源幼儿教育集团”塑造了“孩子们自己设计的幼儿园”这一概念,通过这一概念在特定的时期内有效的将“家长、教师、孩子” 进行分工,从而在特殊时期提供了大量的情绪价值。
The theme of this presentation is “Visual Design Still Has Some Use.” Through practical value and emotional value, using the examples of “Chen Yidan Foundation’s CMYK Education Grammar” and “Qi Yuan Early Childhood Education Group,” it explains the practical value and emotional value of visual design. In the case of “Chen Yidan Foundation’s CMYK Education Grammar,” after designing the entire methodology, it effe- ctively integrates the content of various platforms within the foundation, such as the platform for academic research, the platform for students and parents, the platform for expert forums, and the platform for employee applications. This demonstrates the practical value of visual design. On the other hand, the “Qi Yuan Early Childhood Education Group” has developed the concept of “kindergartens designed by children themselves.” Through this concept, during a specific period, it effectively divides the roles of “parents, teachers, and children,” providing a significant amount of emotional value during special times.