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At the architectural design summit “Design Cross View,” the talk was about “Visual Design Still Has Some Use.”


这次分享的主题是“视觉设计还是有点用”,通过实用价值与情绪价值两方面,以“陈一丹基金会CMYK教育语法”与“启源幼儿教育 集团”为例,阐述了视觉设计的实用价值与情绪价值。 其中“陈一丹基金会CMYK教育语法”通过对整套方法论进行设计之后,系统的将基金会中各个平台的内容: 学术与研究的平台、学员与家长的平台、专家论坛平台、员工应用平台等进行了有效的整合。从而体现了视觉设计的实用价值。 而“启源幼儿教育集团”塑造了“孩子们自己设计的幼儿园”这一概念,通过这一概念在特定的时期内有效的将“家长、教师、孩子” 进行分工,从而在特殊时期提供了大量的情绪价值。

The theme of this presentation is “Visual Design Still Has Some Use.” Through practical value and emotional value, using the examples of “Chen Yidan Foundation’s CMYK Education Grammar” and “Qi Yuan Early Childhood Education Group,” it explains the practical value and emotional value of visual design. In the case of “Chen Yidan Foundation’s CMYK Education Grammar,” after designing the entire methodology, it effe- ctively integrates the content of various platforms within the foundation, such as the platform for academic research, the platform for students and parents, the platform for expert forums, and the platform for employee applications. This demonstrates the practical value of visual design. On the other hand, the “Qi Yuan Early Childhood Education Group” has developed the concept of “kindergartens designed by children themselves.” Through this concept, during a specific period, it effectively divides the roles of “parents, teachers, and children,” providing a significant amount of emotional value during special times.


Creative Director Cai Yidong, the founder, has joined the SGDA


深圳市平面设计协会(Shenzhen Graphic Design Association)成立于 1995 年,是国内首个非谋利的平面设计专业组织,旨在 展现杰出的设计成就、鼓励和促进专业创作和探索的学术精神,推动社会对设计的关注和平面设计发展。SGDA也是中国顶级平面 设计师的汇集平台,需要通过3名以上会员推荐,再由学术委员会进行评选,再选出这届会员,2023年经过层层筛选共产生了18位 会员。创意总监作为近年来的人气设计师,在各类顶级国际赛事中披金斩银,屡获大奖,从而获得SGDA的会员资格。

The Shenzhen Graphic Design Association (SGDA), established in 1995, is the first non-profit professional organiza- tion in China dedicated to graphic design. Its mission is to showcase outstanding design achievements, encourage and promote professional creativity and exploration, and to stimulate societal interest and development in graphic design. SGDA serves as a platform for China's top graphic designers, who are selected through a rigorous process involving recommendations from at least three members and evaluation by the academic committee. In 2023, after thorough screening, 18 members were selected. Creative directors, as popular designers in recent years, have garnered numerous awards in various top international competitions, earning them membership in SGDA.


Winning the Gold Award in the professional category at China GDC 2023 for graphic design is an accomplishment achieved by only 0.04% of participants


平面设计在中国GDC是中国水准最高、影响最广、覆盖面最大的平面设计自1992年,已举办30届,赛事GDC Award 2023自启动 以来,受到各界持续关注,截至10月30日,组委会共征集到来自全球的参赛作品数量9882件, 再次创下历史收件记录新高。 经评审团对所有参赛作品进行严格、公正的统一评选,共决选出优异奖作品数量489件,其中专业组290件、学生组199件,入围 率4.9%。20-23年12月16日,GDC平面设计在中国在深圳海上艺术中心举办开幕及展览,RIFLING与物以喜文化传媒有限公司 合作的《猴子捞月》系列,更在290件专业作品中摘金,金奖仅为4件,获奖率仅为0.04%。

China GDC, the pinnacle of graphic design standards in China, with the widest influence and coverage, has been held since 1992, spanning 30 sessions. Since the inception of the GDC Awards in 2023, it has garnered continuous attention from all sectors. As of October 30th, the organizing committee received a record-breaking 9,882 submi- ssions from around the globe. After rigorous and impartial evaluation by the jury, a total of 489 outstanding works were selected, including 290 in the professional category and 199 in the student category, with a selection rate of 4.9%. On December 16th, 2023, the China GDC Graphic Design Exhibition and Opening Ceremony were held at the Sea World Art Center in Shenzhen. The "Monkey Fishing for the Moon" series, a collaboration between RIFLING and Joy Culture Media Co., Ltd., stood out among the 290 professional entries, winning one of only four gold awards, with a winning rate of just 0.04%.


Join The Exhibition of CIPB 11


RIFLING作品《猴子捞月》系列海报,在第11届中国国际海报双年展,商业海报组中入选,并在杭州良渚艺术中心——大屋顶展馆, 进行展览。

The series of posters for "Monkey Fishing for the Moon" by RIFLING was selected in the Commercial Poster category at the 11th China International Poster Biennial Exhibition. The exhibition took place at the Liangzhu Art Center in Hangzhou, specifically at the Big Roof Exhibition Hall.

Hiii Brand人物志系列访谈: 蔡依东——有逻辑的将复杂信息线性简化

Hiii Brand Personality Profile Series Interview: Cai Yidong - Logically Simplifying Complex Information into Linear Form

Hiii Brand人物志系列访谈:

创意总监接受Hiii Brand的采访,以“有逻辑的将复杂信息线性简化”为标题,以“为什么选择以扁平化风格创作?”、“创作难点在 哪里?”“您如何看待“过度包装”和“追求精美包装”之间的冲突”“设计师/插画师们的工作已远不止于设计,从业者们应如何适应 变化越来越快的行业环境“等内容为点,进行深度的创作访谈。

Interview with the Creative Director by Hiii Brand, Titled "Logically Simplifying Complex Information": Why did you、 choose to create in a flat design style? What are the challenges in your creative process? How do you perceive the conflict between "over-packaging" and "pursuing exquisite packaging"? The roles of designers/illustrators have expanded beyond design. How should practitioners adapt to the rapidly changing industry landscape? The interv- iew will delve deeply into these topics to explore the creative process and insights of the Creative Director.

荣获第10届Hiii Illustration 全场大奖,10年仅10位

Get The 10th Hiii Illustration Prize Grand,with only 10 recipients over the course of 10 years

荣获第10届Hiii Illustration 全场大奖,10年仅10位

RIFLING获得第十届Hiii Illustration国际插画奖的全场大奖,获奖率仅0.01%,Hiii Illustration是中国地区影响力最大、专业性 最强的国际插画赛事,每年可吸引超过万份作品参赛。2022年为第10届赛事,全场大奖每年仅只有1位。

RIFLING has been awarded the Grand Prize at the 10th Hiii Illustration International Illustration Awards, with a winning rate of only 0.01%. Hiii Illustration is the most influential and professional international illustration event in China, attracting over ten thousand entries annually. In 2022, it marked its 10th edition, with only one Grand Prize winner each year.


Project at the United Nations Headquarters in New York


项目《我们各有所长》作为核心项目之一,在纽约联合国大厦展出,此次展览是由中国书会与北京当代艺术基金会承办的中国可持 续设计的展览。

The project "We Each Have Our Strengths," as one of its core initiatives, was showcased at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. This exhibition, organized by the China Book Association and the Beijing Contemporary Art Foundation, focuses on sustainable design from China.

荣获Hiii Brand 铜奖

Get The Hiii Brand Brozen Award

荣获Hiii Brand 铜奖

项目《平湖经开幼儿园》获得2023年第十三届Hiii Brand铜奖。

Project“Pinghu EDA Kindergarten”VI get The 13th Hiii Brand Brozen Award in 2023.


Winning the Wood Pencil at the 2023 D&AD Awards is a significant achievement, with only 28 awarded to China.


D&AD 的全称是“英国设计与艺术指导协会”,「英国设计与艺术指导奖」(Design & Art Direction,D&AD)自1963 年开始每年举 办作品竞赛。每年仅有约5% 的作品入围,且「一票否决权」的评审制度被认为是全球最挑剔的奖项D&AD 的全称是“英国设计与艺 术指导协会”,是一个位于伦敦的非盈利公益性质创意机构。在奖项设置上,由高到低划分为BlackPencil(黑铅笔)、Yellow Pencil (黄铅笔)、Graphite Pencil(石墨铅笔)和Wood Pencil(木铅笔),分别代表最高荣誉、金奖、银奖和铜奖。D&AD奖对入选作品的品 质控制非常严格,是全球创意与设计界最高奖项之一。

D&AD, short for "Design & Art Direction," has been organizing its annual competition, the "Design & Art Direction Awards," since 1963. Only about 5% of entries make it to the final selection, and its "one vote veto" judging system is considered one of the most discerning in the world. D&AD is a non-profit creative organization based in London. Its awards are categorized from highest to lowest as Black Pencil, Yellow Pencil, Graphite Pencil, and Wood Pencil, representing the pinnacle, gold, silver, and bronze awards respectively. D&AD sets extremely high standards for the quality of selected works, making it one of the most prestigious awards in the global creative and design industry.

天猫国际联手RIFLING创始人蔡依东等16名知名设计师创办第一 本天猫设计杂志《16位设计师16种生活方式》

Tmall International, in collaboration with RIFLING founder Cai Yidong and 16 other renowned designers, has launched the inaugural Tmall Design Magazine titled "16 Designers, 16 Lifestyles."


在阿里巴巴最盛大的U-Design Week活动中,天猫国际携手16位由著名日本设计师高田唯领衔的知名设计师,描绘了设计与他 们的生活。

During Alibaba's grandest U-Design Week event, Tmall International collaborated with 16 renowned designers led by the famous Japanese designer Yui Takada, portraying the intersection of design and their lifestyles.