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背景: 南京物以喜创意有限公司希望赶在上海物博会之前,设计一款独特具有超高识别的度中秋包装礼盒, 以至于在物博会中能占有一席之地。 创意: 客户在题材与风格并没有给到限制,但制作礼盒陈本较低。在预算有限的前提下,材质与工艺不会有太大 变化,图形设计就必须出彩。用最简谱的不锈钢方盒贴上标签,反而能在过渡包装的月饼礼盒中脱颖而 出。用中国传统民俗故事“猴子捞月”表达节日氛围,传统民俗中猴子将尾巴倒吊在树枝上再在水中拾月, 而“新猴子捞月”运用传统的祈舞、祭祀等行为来表达。扁平的形象记录祭祀、祷告、祈舞多出现于西方古 文明壁画中。扁平简单的造型与色彩,留白的意境是东方艺术中独有的。将两者融合,加强了插图独特性。 结果: 包装初登场于上海物博会,客户当即日获得5000+的订货量更荣获了2022-2023横扫世界最顶级的插 画奖中的金奖与全场大奖,以及各大杂志周刊中曝光,在垂直创意领域就获得了100w以上的曝光。 获得: Hiii Illustration全场大奖、GDC平面设计在中国金奖、JIA日本插画大奖金奖、美国3x3Illustration金奖、 CCBF中国金风车青年插画大奖金奖、纽约ADC铜立方、英国D&AD木铅笔、东京TDC奖、台湾金点设计奖、 中国国际海报双年展、澳门设计大奖等。


BACKGROUND: Nanjing Joy in Creation Co., Ltd. aimed to design a unique and highly recognizable Mid- Autumn Festival packaging gift box before the Shanghai International Expo for Design, Innovation & Packaging. The goal was to secure a prominent position at the expo. IDEA: The client didn't provide specific restrictions on theme and style but had budget constraints. Given the limited budget, materials, and craftsmanship couldn't undergo significant changes. Therefore, the graphic design needed to stand out. Using a simple stainless steel square box with a label proved to be effective. Going against the grain could make the packaging distinguishable among the diverse Mid-Autumn Festival gift boxes. The team chose the traditional Chinese folk story "Monkey Fishing for the Moon" to express a longing for beautiful things. In the traditional story, a monkey hangs upside down from a tree branch to pick the moon from the water. In the "New Monkey Fishing for the Moon," the monkey expresses the pursuit of beauty through traditional rituals such as prayer and dance. Flat images depicting rituals, prayers, and dances are common in ancient Western civilization murals. The flat and simple shapes and colors, devoid of unnecessary decorative elements, are prevalent in Eastern artistic expressions. The fusion of these elements created a packaging illustration with unique recognizability. Using a simple and flat style, the illustration depicts the monkey dancing and praying to the moon, conveying the traditional Chinese folk story. RESULT: The packaging made its debut at the Shanghai International Expo, where the client received an immediate order of over 5000 units. Additionally, they were honored with the Gold Award and the Grand Prize in the world's top illustration awards for 2022-2023. The packaging gained exposure of over 1 million in the vertical creative field.