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背景: 每年由深圳建筑总院的首席建筑师开展“设计互视”,2024年进入第八届,是中国建筑行业中较为重大的 论坛与分享活动。 创意: 设计互视,每年的活动最终的符号就是“眼睛”,每一届都用不同的视觉方式表达与演绎“眼睛”这个特有 的符号,在观测了前几届的设计中,会发现大家主要聚焦的还是通过各位平面和图形化的方式来演绎 “眼”这个符号。这次我们喜欢给予活动更强烈的视觉冲击力,既然是互视,那就用最熟悉的“眼睛”和每 一位参与、关注活动的嘉宾与观众互视,所以采取直接用照片的方式,这样直白的表达,反而让人印象更 加深刻。 其次是我们不仅采用的人眼,还有动物。我们希望用“人与动物”,来诠释“设计”的职能,“设计是解决人、 物、环境”三者之间的关系,而好的设计不仅仅是解决问题,更是构筑情感交流的桥梁,而眼是情感的窗。 结果: 直播累计观众人次达到60000+人次,最高峰为20000+人次,创造历届观看次数最多一届,并得到20+建 筑行业与深圳本地媒体曝光,累计阅读超过120w。

BACKGROUND: The “Design Inter-Vision” is an annual forum and sharing event conducted by the Chief Architect of Shenzhen Architecture General Institute. In 2024, it entered its eighth edition and is considered a significant event in the Chinese architecture industry. IDEA: For each year’s event, the ultimate symbol is the “eye.” Different visual expressions and interpretations of this unique symbol are used. After observing previous editions, it was noticed that the focus was mainly on representing the “eye” symbol through graphic and visual means. This time, we wanted to give the event a stronger visual impact. Since it is about inter-vision, we decided to directly use photographs to establish a visual connection between the “eye” and every participant, guest, and audience. This direct expression actually leaves a more profound impression. Additionally, we not only utilized human eyes but also animals. We aimed to interpret the function of “design” through the combination of “people and animals.” Design involves solving the relationship between humans, objects, and the environment. Good design not only solves problems but also builds a bridge for emotional communication, and the eyes are windows to these emotions. RESULT: The live broadcast accumulated over 60,000 viewers, with a peak of 20,000 viewers. This achieved the highest number of views among all previous editions and received exposure from 20+ architectural industry and local media in Shenzhen, accumulating over 1.2 million reads.