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背景: 陈一丹基金会成立于 2013 年,致力于推动教育生态的多元化发展,以教育协力可持续发展。 2022 年陈 一丹教育论坛于去年 11 月举办。陈一丹基金会邀请了芬兰赫尔辛基大学Hannele Niemi教授和北京师 范大学王晨教授共同领衔,发布《未来学习者的素养与教育》研究报告。报告对未来学习者进行画像,并构 建未来学习者素养框架,提出了培育未来学习者的教育模型 CMYK(Competence 核心素养- Method 教学方法-Year 学习年段-Knowledge 知识)。该教育模型(CMYK)将作为陈一丹基金会开展未来工作的 核心方法论与指导工具,在家庭、学校及更广阔的社会教育场景中使用。总的来说是为一套教育语法做品 牌定位与视觉设计,为极为复杂的抽象概念做视觉设计,并横跨学术端、员工使用、C端普通消费者,是极 具挑战的项目。 创意: 1、在严谨的学术框架、转化为大众化语言的左右前提条件下,能满足“多元化”“神经元”等关键词还需要 具有教育行业特征性,能供选择的概念很少。我们应用了“调色盘”这一概念,而它也会在满足其余条件中 不断满足以上这些条件。 2、CMYK是一套复杂的教育学术概念,C(Competence)包含53个核心素养,而这53个核心素养又有3个 层级,才符合学术的逻辑。陈一丹基金会是红色,我们红色系用作素养的颜色进行分级,将红色系拆解为 另外5个色系:橘、橘红、红、玫红、紫红,这5个红色系对应了第二层级的5个素养。 3、我们利用颜色的层级关系,帮助严谨学术建立了视觉化的分级系统。 4、在VIS中,我们设置了3种“调色盘”的应用规范,并在不同场合中有不同的应用方式。并设置了图+色块 +调色盘的各种组合模式,让只要会用软件的工作人员就能做设计。 5、每一个课程都是基于CMYK理念开发二次,那么就必然有CMYK种的这些要素与关键词,通过“调色盘” 概念,老师只需要根本表格找到课程的要素, 就能摘取这些要素对应的颜色,组成属于自己课程的调色 盘,学生们也可以通过找到对应颜色设计自己的调色盘。 6、我们对CMYK的视觉系统在学术端与大众C端引用,对调色盘所采用的应用方式进行了一定的区分,学 术端的更肃静,大众C端的更热闹、丰富。

BACKGROUND: Chen Yidan Foundation was established in 2013 and is dedicated to promoting the diversified development of the education ecosystem for sustainable education. The Yidan Education Forum 2022 was held in November last year. Chen Yidan Foundation invited Professor Hannele Niemi from the University of Helsinki in Finland and Professor Wang Chen from Beijing Normal University to jointly lead the release of the research report “Literacy and Education for Future Learners.” The report profiles future learners and constructs a framework for their literacy, proposing the educational model CMYK (Competence-Core Literacy, Method-Teaching Methods, Year-Learning Stages, Knowledge-Knowledge). This educational model will serve as the core methodology and guiding tool for Chen Yidan Foundation’s future work, to be used in homes, schools, and broader social educational contexts. Overall, the project aims to establish a brand positioning and visual design for a set of educational language grammar, visually representing highly complex and abstract concepts, and spanning academic, employee, and general consumer usage, making it a challenging project. IDEA: 1、Wrap the concepts of “diversity,” “growing like neurons,” and “respecting individuals” in a concept that embodies the characteristics of the education industry.There must be visual association with Chen Yidan Foundation. Provide guidance to scholars in the field of acade- mia. Easy for staff members to handle practically. Interactive between teachers and students in the curriculum. How to translate the reasonable definition of pedagogy into popular language for understanding and remembering CMYK. The visual tone should convey a sense of sophistication, vitality, and richness. 2、CMYK is a complex educational academic concept, and “C” (Competence) encompasses 53 core literacies, which are further categorized into 3 levels to meet academic logic. Chen Yidan Foundation’s color is red, so we use different shades of red in the hierarchy of literacy, breaking it down into another 5 color families: orange, vermilion, red, magenta, and crimson. These 5 color families correspond to the seco- nd level of literacies. 3、We use the hierarchy of colors to help establish a visual grading sy- stem that facilitates rigorous academic understanding.Within the visual identity system, we established three application guidelines for the “color palette” and different application sty- les for various occasions. We also created various combinations of graphics, color blocks, and color palett-es, allowing staff members who know how to use software to design. 4、Giv-en the need for rigor in the academic framework and the need to translate it into popular lan- guage while embodying the keywords like “diversity” and “neurons,” there are few concepts that can satisfy all the requirements with an educational industry characteristic. We applied the concept of a “color palette,” which also continuously fulfills the remaining conditions. 5、Each curriculum is developed based on the CMYK concept, which implies the elements and keywords of CMYK. Through the concept of the “color palette,” teachers only need to refer to a table to find the elements of the curriculum and extract the corresponding colors to create their own color palette. Students can also design their own color palettes by finding the corresponding colors. 6、We differentiated the visual system of CMYK between the academic end and the general consumer end, with a more serious tone for the academic end and a live- lier and richer tone for the general consumer end.