背景: 陈一丹基金会一直致力参与于全球的教育相关事业中,由基金会教研组开发一套核心的教育方法论—— CMYK未来教育语法,CMYK教育语法,是由Competence(C素养)、Method(M方法)、Year(Y学年)、Kn- owledge(K知识)所组成一套表格,包含50多个词条,老师可以通过表格中的词条进行有机结合,从而在 课程中着重培养的某些素养。秉承自由、包容。多样性的原则,对此教育方法论进行视觉系统规范与升级。 创意: 利用“调色盘”这一概念我们完成一下需求: 1、表达基金会多元、人本的价值。 2、体现CMYK未来教育语法具有多学科、多方法、多素养交叉融合的特征。 3、设计上必须包容性强,因为教育语法中的词条会发生变化或增减,可理解为1.0版。 4、在视觉上表现出与基金会的关系。 5、教育语法词条包含2个层级,视觉系统必须具有逻辑性与词条匹配。 用红色系、绿色系、黄色系、蓝色系分别对应C、M、Y、K,C(competence)包含36个关键词,2个层级,基金 会的主色是红色,所以用红色系作为C的主色系并裂变,1层级有5个关键词,所以红色裂变成5个色系:橘、 橘红、红、玫红、紫红,2层级有31个关键词,再基于1层级的5个色系进行裂变, 绿色系为M(Method),黄 色系为Y(Year),蓝色系为K(Knowledge)。共创建了55个关键词色彩。 再圆盘为基础图形,4为基础单位进行分割,由老师与学员可根据课程关键词选择颜色后,进行随意分割, 自生成“调色盘”,随着课程不断地成长丰富, 视觉系统也会不断丰富。 目前视觉系统辅助图形,就是基于教育语法产生的11门课程老师与学员拼凑出的”调色盘“。整个视觉系 统极为包容与可进行延展并应用专家与学者人群、工作人员与教师人群、学员与家长人群。 设计上符合”多元、包容、自由“的视觉,并通过颜色将整个方法论进行了有机的分类,一套可以不断生长 的视觉系统,自然具备极强的包容性。
Background: The Chen Yidan Foundation has been dedicated to advancing global education initiatives. The foundation’s research team has developed a core educational methodology—the CMYK Future Education Grammar. This grammar consists of Competence (C), Method (M), Year (Y), and Knowledge (K), forming a table of over 50 entries. Teachers can organically combine these entries to emphasize speci- fic competencies in their courses. Adhering to principles of freedom, inclusivity, and diversity, this methodology is undergoing a visual system upgrade. Idea: Using the concept of a "color palette," we aim to: Reflect the foundation’s values of diversity and humanity. Highlight the interdisciplinary, multi-method, and multi-competency integration of the CMYK grammar.Ensure high inclusivity in the design, accommodating changes to entries (version 1.0). Visually align with the foundation’s identity. Create a logical and structured visual system matching the two-tiered grammar entries. Color System: Red, green, yellow, and blue correspond to C, M, Y, and K, respectively. C (Competence): Includes 36 keywords across two tiers. Tier 1 (5 keywords): Red splits into 5 shades—orange, orange-red, red, magenta, and purple-red. Tier 2 (31 keywords): Further subdivided from these 5 shades. M (Method): Green system. Y (Year): Yellow system. K (Knowledge): Blue system. A total of 55 colors are created to represent the entries. Visual Structure: Based on a circular palette divided into segments (units of 4).Teachers and students can sel- ect colors corresponding to course keywords and rearrange the segments to form a custom "palette." As courses evolve, the visual system enriches itself, showcasing growth.The auxil- iary graphics in the current visual system are derived from 11 courses, represented by "pale- ttes" collaboratively created by teachers and learners. Core Features: The visual system emphasizes diversity, inclusivity, and freedom, organically categorizing the methodology with color. It is designed to grow and evolve, maintaining strong adaptability and inclusivity, catering to experts, scholars, educators, learners, and parents alike.