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德清县乾元镇第二幼儿园 Deqing County Second Kindergarten

背景: 德清县乾元镇第二幼儿园位于浙江湖州,是一所充满活力的公办幼儿园。幼儿园以“食育”为特色理念,“食育”不仅是生存之本,更是教育之基,与儿童的膳食习惯及身心健康密切相关。 创意: 米饭作为孩子们必需的主食与营养来源,“米粒”自然而然地成为了吉祥物的灵感核心,既契合了幼儿园的课程特色,又象征着孩子们均衡营养、健康成长的美好愿景。 “米粒”作为吉祥物贯穿于园区的各项设计之中,我们将标志设计成了“米粒放在盘子上”的形象,简单明了又不失亲和力。除此之外,为了加强辨识度和视觉上的高度统一,吉祥物“小米粒”巧妙地融入到了幼儿园的各个延展物料中,具有一定趣味性与互动性。

BACKGOUND: The Second Kindergarten of Qianyuan Town, Deqing County, located in Huzhou, Zhejiang, is a vibrant public kindergarten. With "food education" as its core concept, the kindergarten emphasizes that "food education" is not only the foundation of survival but also the cornerstone of education, closely linked to children's dietary habits and physical and mental healt IDEA: Rice, as a staple food and essential source of nutrition for children, naturally became the inspiration for the mascot. The rice grain symbolizes both the kindergarten's educational focus and the vision of balanced nutrition and healthy growth for children. The mascot, "Little Rice Grain," runs throughout the design of the entire campus. We have designed the logo in the shape of "a rice grain on a plate," which is simple, clear, and approachable. To enhance recognition and achieve visual consistency, the mascot "Little Rice Grain" is creatively incorporated into various extended materials throughout the kindergarten. This adds an element of fun and interactivity, ensuring its charm resonates across the campus.